Sunday, March 23, 2014

We have a famous Cupcake!

One of my Cupcakes was featured in today's paper for his good deeds! I have had him in my class for two years and when I heard this story from his Granny I had to submit it to the paper. We are so proud of our Hunter! Check him out below...

100th Day of School 2014!

We had a super fun 100th day of school this year! Having two teachers to celebrate with made it even more fun for the Cupcakes and Sea Stars! :) Here are some photos of the family projects the students created and some action shots from the classroom.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

My little researchers!

Last week we launched a new writing unit. It is focused on informational and explanatory writing. The Cupcakes and Sea Stars are using to research a topic of choice. They had many categories to choose from, and are excited to write their informational books! We began with creating a table of contents and taking notes on a graphic organizer. The students were able to team up with some 4th graders for technical support. They finished their graphic organizers and are starting to write and illustrate in their books. Here are some pictures of the progress...