Friday, January 25, 2013


Our first FaceTime session with Miss Cabral's class was a success last week! The cupcakes are very excited to meet with her class again today.

This week, the cupcakes learned about how to retrieve information from various sources. We have been using a lot of nonfiction books and videos lately, and I wanted to show them a new type of source, so this week I found an "article" about Polar Bears. Boy is it hard to find kindergarten friendly articles, but I did, and it was very successful! Thanks to Smart Charts from The Teacher's Notebook! The cupcakes learned about the importance of active reading and pulling out important information. I told them that this is a skill they will need for high school, college, and even careers. I even showed them the highlighting and active reading I do for work. They know that even though I am done with school,  I still have homework so that I can become an even better teacher.

We read the article together and the cupcakes helped me decide what we needed to highlight.  We only needed to highlight the most important information. The information that would help us write our fact stories. On the left you see Mrs. Dapcic's research and on the right you see the students' research.

Next, we transferred the information we highlighted to our graphic organizers.

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Finally, we wrote our research papers! Now we get to present our learning to Miss Cabral's class after lunch!

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